Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Leslie Hindman auction staff

Ali Winters, Benjamin Fisher and Cookie at the auction!

Julie Parker, Corbin Horn and Cookie at the auction!

These two photos show the lovely people who worked with me at the auction in Chicago this past week.  They are all such fabulous professionals and I am proud to call them friends.  I had a wonderful time.  Do you think I'm short?  Nah, its just that they are tall.  Seriously, I'm maybe 5 feet tall on a good day, so you can guess how tall this generation is!


  1. Hello Cookie,
    I am so glad you had a good experience with the staff. I hope you can relax now that it is all over.
    Big hug,

  2. Thanks Giac, yes, I am relaxing now, glad its all over, it was a very big effort and now on to some other things in my life. Thanks for being so caring and checking up on me! :)
