Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Yes, I am shouting, LOL!  Today is the day that the catalog has been received by the auction house and they’ve put the entire catalog online for viewing at info@lesliehindman.com or www.lesliehindman.com   

It looks beautiful and if I didn’t know better, I would think this is an auction of full size furnishings.  I hope some of their regular viewers don’t miss the word Miniatures.  Because of the photography, some pictures look quite small, so one has to carefully read the dimensions, i.e. my Dutch Cabinet House and some of the others look like ¼ inch scale.  Almost everything is 1 inch scale, although there is some ½ inch scale and some is larger, more like doll scale.

As I’ve mentioned before, you can view the entire catalog through this website scrolling through the auction, there are over 600 lots to be sold on July 23 and 24, starting at 10 a.m. CMT, or 11 a.m. on the East Coast of the U.S.  If you would like to purchase a catalog, please write to corbinhorn@lesliehindman.com with your name, snail address and $15 in the U.S. and $25 outside the U.S. 

I would like to ask…please be kind enough to send this information to all your miniature friends and contacts on your social media.  I do want as many collectors to be aware of this opportunity as possible.  Please know that there are lots estimated suitably for anyone, rangeing from $10 on up, so don’t be put off by thinking it is all expensive.

There have been a lot of preorders of the catalog, so if you’ve already ordered one, Corbin assures me it is on its way.

Thanks so much for indulging me with my promotions, but it’s going to be a very exciting two days for me.

With best wishes,

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