Thursday, December 30, 2010

Article on my Miniature Crewelwork in a Dutch magazine

I had a nice surprise last night. Elly de Kraker of The Netherlands kindly emailed me a copy of an article done by Dolls House Nederland magazine featuring my miniature crewel work. Along with it, she sent a "fractured" translation of the Dutch done by Google. Some of it was very amusing as Google seems to "think" I collect "Thumbnails" instead of miniatures. I had a good laugh over that one!

With my permission, the writer, Henny Christophersen, took photos from this blog to be used for the article and it looks wonderful. The interview was done via emailed questions and I think it came out very well, thank you Henny! I also want to thank Rika Van Nellestijn for publishing my work in her excellent magazine.