Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Miniatures and more...

These views are of the bed in Leicester House, miniature crewel using one strand of DMC floss and a #12 crewel needle.

This is the wing chair in The House of the 3 Widows, again using one strand of DMC floss. The following pieces of needlework are full size.

Silk and gold embroidery, vase is couched with gold.
More silk and gold work, lots of long and short stitch, my favorite!
Appleton wool and DMC floss for birds wings.

Front view of a stuffed figure using crewel stitches and Appleton crewel wools. Figure is full size, approximately 18" high.

Rear view of same figure.
Silk and Gold embroidery, design from the Erica Wilson book.
Stumpwork picture using DMC floss and gold threads.
Sections of crewel embroidered bellpull using Appleton wool. Last picture of grouping shows the entire bell pull.

Hello Miniature World,

This blog is about my dolls houses, miniature collection and some of my other interests; miniature painting and needlework. This started as a small blog and has grown quite a bit. I am thrilled to say that people from over 41 countries have viewed my blog as of this writing, August 2008.
Please left click your mouse when you want to see any pictures shown the full size of your monitor. I sincerely hope you enjoy this blog site. If you do, please leave a comment, or write to me at if you have any questions or comments you would like answered. I would be pleased to answer you, just put something about "blog" in the subject line so its not a completely strange email. Thanks!

Cookie Ziemba